Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Session with My Children!

Believe in God, Believe in Jesus, Believe in the Magic of Christmas! :)

Oh this was fun... My girls, both of them, were not in the cooperating mood! :) I did get some great photos of them though! Even though it did take me 3 days to do them. As you might can tell, my oldest Mikayla Lynne really was concentrating on making those candy canes into a heart! I kept telling her to look at me, she said "Mama, I tryn to do dis"! That's when I got this great photo! She is precious! They are both my heart!

I did it I finally got Olivia Grayce into the tea cup! lol. I have tried since she was a newborn to get her into that cup! I did her 4 month and her Christmas all at the same time... MIDNIGHT! lol. The only time I had with us alone. Mikayla went to sleep with her daddy on the couch and I took my only chance!

These next photos are from the last session, we did these just before our church's Christmas party. It happened to be at my mother in law's so I pretty much had free range with where I could go around the house. This was the best I got of both of the girls together.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year! Remember the true meaning of Christmas too!! The most important part! The best gift we could ever recieve!

The gift of JESUS CHRIST!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

From My Family to Your's!

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